Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento Notifier to customer to get Free shipping

About Notifier to customer to get Free shipping Encourage your customers to spend more, by notifying them how much more they need to buy, to qualify for Free Shipping. Every customer loves free stuff and your customers will be happy to buy a bit more products from your website, if they know that the shipping will be free. This extension…
Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento Customer Verification FOR COD

About Customer Verification FOR COD While e-commerce companies want to make it easy for their customers to order via Cash on Delivery, they face a lot of issues in the form on cancellations and bogus orders. Companies try to optimize and streamline their operations and supply chain and these cancellations cost money and are a real pain to handle. When…
Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento CCAvenue payment Gateway integration

About CCAvenue Payment Gateway CCAvenue® is South Asia’s largest payment gateway solution powering thousands of eMerchants with real time, multi-currency, multiple payment options for online payment processing services. The solution is powered by proprietary technology that integrates transaction-processing, advance shopping cart, auction payment collection facility, fraud control, financial reporting and order tracking. CCAvenue Payment Gateway extension is now available for…