Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento Cash On Delivery (COD) Charge Extension

About Cash On Delivery (COD) Charge Cash On Delivery (COD) is currently one of the most popular payment mode for online web shops. The major reason for its popularity is that the customers do not have to pay anything before the products are delivered to them. In some countries this remains a popular option with internet-based retailers, since it is…
Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento Customer Verification FOR COD

About Customer Verification FOR COD While e-commerce companies want to make it easy for their customers to order via Cash on Delivery, they face a lot of issues in the form on cancellations and bogus orders. Companies try to optimize and streamline their operations and supply chain and these cancellations cost money and are a real pain to handle. When…
Doyenhub Product Extension Magento

Magento Restrict Shipping and Cash on Delivery for a location

About Restrict Shipping And COD In many cases admin wants to have an option to restrict Cash On Delivery option for a specific location due to unavailability of service. This extension allows admin user to list down the Zip/Postal Code where product will not have Cash On Delivery option Same way admin can decide if the shipping service is available…