General Javascript JQuery

How to remove # from URL in Angular

How to Remove # from URL in Angular [caption id="attachment_24754" align="aligncenter" width="688"] How to Remove # from URL in Angular[/caption] Ever wondered why your AngularJS app’s URLs include a # symbol? It might seem unnecessary, but it can negatively impact both user experience and SEO. The good news is you can remove it and make your URLs clean, professional, and…
General Javascript JQuery

Secure data on server without installing Server side language

Secure Data on Server Without Server-Side Language [caption id="attachment_24759" align="aligncenter" width="686"] Secure data on server without installing Server side language[/caption] In today's digital world, site speed is crucial, and securing content is just as important. Securing data on the server without using server-side language offers a simple and effective solution for developers working with static websites. By relying on HTML,…