

July 10, 2014

APC PHP Cache: Optimize Your PHP Script Performance


APC (Alternative PHP Cache) is a free, open-source opcode caching plugin for PHP that enhances script execution by reducing unnecessary dynamic operations. Learn how to set up, use, and optimize PHP Cache to improve your server’s performance.

What is APC PHP Cache?

Is an efficient caching solution that stores compiled PHP scripts in memory. This eliminates the need for repetitive script execution, reducing server load and boosting response times.

How to Use APC PHP Cache

Step 1: Create a Caching Class

  • Create a class file named apc_caching.php and place it in your classes folder.
  • Define functions for storing, retrieving, checking, and deleting cached data using APC’s built-in functions.

Step 2: Implement in Your Project

  • Instantiate the CacheAPC class in the PHP file where caching is required.
  • Use the setData() method to store data and getData() to retrieve cached information.

Step 3: Deleting Cached Data

  • To delete specific cache entries, use the delData() method.

Installing APC on WAMP

If APC is not installed on your WAMP server:

  1. Check your PHP version and compiler via phpinfo().
  2. Download the compatible APC extension for your PHP version.
  3. Place the .dll file in the extension_dir directory.
  4. Add the following line to your php.ini file:

  5. Restart WAMP services to apply changes.

Configuring APC PHP Cache

Modify your php.ini file to optimize APC settings:

apc.shm_size = 256M
apc.enabled = 1
apc.shm_segments = 1
apc.max_file_size = 10M
apc.stat = 1

Monitoring APC with a Dashboard

  1. Download the APC package from PECL.
  2. Extract and locate apc.php.
  3. Set up authentication in the script for secure access.
  4. Use the dashboard to monitor cache usage, clear cache, and view keys.

Key Considerations for Using APC PHP Cache

  • Memory Limit: Data stored with apc_store() resides in memory. Ensure your memory settings align with project requirements.
  • Cache Eviction: APC automatically removes the least-used entries when memory exceeds the set limit.


PHP Cache is a powerful tool for optimizing PHP scripts, enhancing server performance, and reducing load times. Proper implementation and configuration can lead to significant performance gains for your PHP-based applications.

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